بوابة الفجر

الأمم المتحدة: إسرائيل تحرم الفلسطينيين من حقوقهم

الأمم المتحدة - أرشيفية
الأمم المتحدة - أرشيفية

A U.N. official said on Tuesday that Israel is denying Palestinians their rights and leaving them under the weight of an ongoing humanitarian crisis.

The U.N. humanitarian coordinator in the occupied Palestinian territory, Lynn Hastings, said Israel had "deprived Palestinians of the rights of the rest of the world's population, now estimated at 8 billion."

"This has made Palestinians live under the weight of an ongoing humanitarian crisis, especially what we saw firsthand in Jenin last week, where the 2023 Humanitarian Response Plan was funded by only 20 per cent," she said.

The internal division and the financial crisis facing the Palestinian Authority are obstacles to peace and a challenge to economic growth, financial stability and human growth.

This came in a speech delivered by Hastings during the Palestinian National Population Conference: "Demography between Resilience and Development" organized by the Palestinian government in the city of Ramallah.

During the conference, Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh accused Israel of imposing a policy of racial discrimination against Palestinians similar to the South African model. "The Palestinian demographic complex became exceptional for the first time, because the number of Palestinians is higher than the number of Jews, which also means that we are going to the model of South Africa, where a white minority controlled a black majority," he said.

He added that Israel is "an apartheid state ruled by a Jewish minority with a Palestinian majority, which undermines the two-state solution."

He pointed out that the reformulation of the conflict over all of historic Palestine "comes in light of the blockage of the political horizon, and Europe's preoccupation with the Russian-Ukrainian crisis," and considered that dealing with the Russian-Ukrainian crisis "proved the double standards of international in dealing with international issues."